Northeastern’s Student-led Software Consultancy
Podcast with Alan MisloveON THE BLOG
McDonalds System Design by Vera KongWho we are
Sandbox is Northeastern's student-led software consultancy building software for researchers, professors, and the student community. We've helped academic researchers looking to collect experimental data, deans looking to analyze student data, and students looking to find the right classes. We work closely with clients to help them best leverage computation.
Why sandbox
For someone that wants software built, finding the right student for the job is a challenge. Sandbox works by assembling a team of dedicated, talented students who have the right skill sets to get the job done. We're committed to finishing projects and are determined to leave a real impact.
Who we are
Sandbox is Northeastern's student-led software consultancy building software for researchers, professors, and the student community. We've helped academic researchers looking to collect experimental data, deans looking to analyze student data, and students looking to find the right classes. We work closely with clients to help them best leverage computation.
Why sandbox
For someone that wants software built, finding the right student for the job is a challenge. Sandbox works by assembling a team of dedicated, talented students who have the right skill sets to get the job done. We're committed to finishing projects and are determined to leave a real impact.
WORK WITH USwork with us >
"The brilliant and diligent engineers of Sandbox are, without exaggeration, indispensable to my research. I came to them with a challenging problem, and they delivered a solution that is twice as professional as I'd hoped, in half the time I'd expected. To any scientists in need of computational expertise: look no further than Sandbox."
JOIN THE TEAMapply here >
Robert RosasDeveloper on Flow in the Field
"One of the best experiences I've had in college. Everyone is kind and knowledgeable. Sandbox has not just given me the support I need to learn new technologies and work as a team; it has given me a space where I can discover my voice and my place within the Northeastern community."

project spotlightPHARMD TRACKERsee our current projects >

PharmD tracker is a webapp that will help deans, advisors, and administration track student success and progress across the pharmacy program.
OASISlearn more about oasis >
The Oasis Software Incubator is a 10-week program that is designed to make your project ideas a reality. We know that students have amazing ideas, and we want to be the ones to inspire free-flowing creativity, and incubate these ideas to unleash the power of student developers.
Oasis provides a framework for you to develop your skills and build your own project, either from scratch or from a prototype you already have.
Applications for Spring 2023 open end of Fall semester